Small Cute Pink Pointer
chia 14th 50th birthday gift!!! ^_^ made in 5 minutes by ur loving sister nao. tbh

OH and if ure viewing this site on mobile ,, the text container is scrollable!! scroll to read my full msg hehe :3


HAI!!!!!!!! sister . chia . sisig. sissy. pookie bear. orgiv. happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :3 if it looks shit on ur device forgive me i literally had like half a day to do this. ive been here isnce the womb. since the birth extraction ;-; and experienced all ur phases that CAN be used as blackmail . your future job the soldier thing . ...j would gift u nitro but i don't rly get paid fir being alive and u use telegram more than discord. so thats kinda a bad gift ya know. this gift cause me so uch anxiety tbh. liek if it looks bad plz dont tell me. just nod ur head and pretend. maybe look at it on ur pc or summat. anwyays u saur old now !!! (wow das crazy.) i used to change ur diapers. ok maygeb more like u changed mine but ;-; same thign i gues. IK u will have the best birthay ever bcuz of this gift and bc of my presence and. ur other fake irl backstabber ex friends . they better igve u like a new house . mansion infact !!! sana ur transitioning into ur new school runs smoothly nmn (unlike MINE. I HATE F2F CLASSES BTW.) >__< BUTTTT!! hav eht ebest pbirthday ever . I KNWO U WILL .bcuz i ssaid so :3 ui the best. keep up the good work. i lavu uoyu !!!!!!!!!!! ;-;